Today's Newspapers are Tomorrow's Letter Frame - News100kmph

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Friday, August 16, 2019


Today's Newspapers are Tomorrow's Letter Frame

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Today's Newspapers are Tomorrow's Letter Frame|

Newspapers are very much needed in today's world. Newspapers of various kind and languages are available in the present day of life. But today's newspapers will become a tomorrows waste paper. So, we thought of using newspapers as a decorative item of the house.

DIY by Newspapers

Newspapers are the source of information, entertainment and for many. But newspapers will become waste papers day by day.


Newspapers can be used for decoration. But how we can use newspapers in decoration? Don't worry, NEWS100KMPH is there to show various Creative DIY(Do It Yourself) with Newspapers. This article brings the idea of making Letter Frame or Photo Frame with the Newspapers.

Letter Frame From NewsPapers

Let us make Letter Frame from the Newspapers.


Take a few newspapers for preparing the Letter Frame.


Fold the newspapers linearly and cut down straight as shown in the above figure


Then after you will get the straight pieces of the newspapers as shown in the above figure.


Fold the cut newspapers from any one of the corners of the newspaper. Make many folds from the linear pieces of newspaper as shown in the figure. 


Then fold the sticks of the newspaper in the circular pattern. You can fold from any one of the sides. The last side should be stuck with the glue. The sticks should be folded as given in the figure.


Then after folding the sticks then you will get the flower type pattern as shown in the figure.


You should make many such types of flowers from folded sticks of the newspapers.


Choose a beautiful colour paper. The colour papers will be available in the market. If you want to make your colour paper, then colour the white paper with your favourite colour pencil.


Then make like the frame by pasting any colour paper as the border. Now stick the flower to the border with the help of the glue. Stick all the flowers and draw something on the colour paper and design it beautifully.


Therefore you will get a very beautiful letter frame from the Newspapers. You can also make the photo frame by pasting the photo in the middle.

You can paste this letter frame or Photo Frame on the walls. You should try at least once as it is a simple and beautiful method of preparing decorative item from the Newspapers.


We hope that this article may give initiation to you for using your skills in making BEST OUT OF WASTE.

Not only Newspapers but we can create many beautiful items from the waste or useless products like beverages bottles are used for making the pencil or pen stand, Matchsticks are used to prepare sceneries, straws are used in decoration and many.

So, if you prepared anything best out of waste then surely send your creative preparation. We definitely bring your idea into limelight through our blog.

If you have any queries then comment us in the comment box. We always feel free to respond to tp your queries.


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